61 Time to reach into our electronic mail bag and catch up with our classmates' comings and goings. Based on the travel stories, it is mostly "goings." Walt Cottrell, MBA '63, our long-standing treasurer, reports as follows: "Jeannie (Springer) '63 and I took a most interesting trip to Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Croatia this summer. We spent three weeks on a hiking/sailing trip that started in Sarajevo and ended in Zagreb. We got a first-hand feeling for the oppression suffered by the Muslims in Sarajevo during the Serbian invasion. The city is largely restored now, but it has taken 13 years. The highlight of the trip was sailing through the Croatian coastal islands from Dubrovnik to Split and seeing all of the walled cities built in the Middle Ages. The water was beautiful and the villages and people were delightful. We highly recommend the trip."
And more "goings" from Jim Moore, LLB '64. "Serious athletics are behind us. Shirley and I have now entered the opera phase of our lives. In addition to seeing The Barber at the Met in NYC, we saw Rigoletto in Dresden and Aida in Prague during the past few months. Also visited with Wayne Freihofer on a trip to Albany and learned that his Cornell daughter is working in London. Wayne has the interesting hobby of growing prize-winning tomatoes as a pastime. We also had a very pleasant visit with Sue Rand Lewis when she came north to attend Gail Smith McDougall's wedding in Sodus; Sue was about to leave on a two-week sojourn to England. Also saw Duncan Stewart, LLB '64's widow, Sue (Cobb), MD '66, on a recent visit to NYC. Finally, Shirley and I have booked a two-week business/pleasure trip to the home of Vlad the Impaler (cute nickname) in Romania."
Don Young sent a note announcing the publication of his book You Can Do It!: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Financial Security. It is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as the website financialsecurityguide.com. Don joins an ever-lengthening list of classmates publishing books following their successful careers. While on the subject of publishing, I received a lengthy note from Joanne Schapiro Koch, who announced the debut of her 15th show, a musical, Belle Barth: If I Embarrass You, Tell Your Friends. The show is about the bawdy comedienne whose joke records sold in the millions and who was dubbed "the female Lenny Bruce." Joanne's musical American Klezmer, with Sarah Cohen, composer Ilya Levinson, and lyricist Owen Kalt, had a successful production in Los Angeles and is set to begin a national tour, starting in Chicago. Her anthology Shared Stages: 10 American Dramas of Blacks and Jews, co-edited with Sarah Blacher Cohen (and including their own multicultural musical Soul Sisters, which toured the country, including Cornell in 2000), was published by State University of New York Press. Joanne is director of the graduate writing program at National-Louis U. in Chicago. She'd love to hear from you at jkoch@nl.edu.
Peter Sherman writes, "Wife Nancy Schnur and I are spending not enough time in the Berkshires. Our fun activities include pulling weeds and watching our raspberries being annihilated by wild turkeys and dive-bombing birds. Home is at the Ice Glen in Stockbridge, MA. We frequently catch glimpses of classmates wandering through this beautiful area. Rachel, our oldest, graduated from Wisconsin and works at CNN. Daniel '10 lives the high life on College Ave. with most of his classes in Goldwin Smith. How I remember the days I spent in GS B listening to Clinton Rossiter '39, Andrew Hacker, and George Healy. The Cornell Hotel Society announced that Jay Treadwell is their new president. This alumni group has more than 60 chapters that are active in and out of the hospitality field, and graduate members reside in more than 100 countries. Jay writes, "In my 'day job' I am a food service consultant with my own firm, Optimum Hospitality Services, based in the Washington, DC, area."
Marilyn Slutzky Zucker moved back into her old house on Long Island after living in Seattle for ten years. "I'm teaching writing at Stony Brook U., a job I love. I write the occasional scholarly paper and present at Virginia Woolf conferences, but find that part of my interest waning. I travel when I can, often with my sister Karen. Our last trip was to Sicily in May; we rented a car and tooled around the island. The best part of the trip was that Karen drives like an Italian man, so we sped past cars on the highway, crept into tiny parking spaces, and managed to get up the steep hills without falling backwards into the sea!" And we'll conclude with a final coming and going. Terrel Kimmel Kaplan lives in a Madrona grove on the beautiful island of Orcas. If anybody comes to the island and wants a private tour, please let her know. We encourage all of you to drop us a note or an e-mail to sustain our efforts on your behalf. Doug Fuss, 5 Pineside Lane, Savannah, GA 31411;dougout@attglobal.net ; Joanna McCully, 1607 Hilton Head Blvd., Lady Lake, FL 32159; joannacelticlady@aol.com.